Pinarello Bicycles
Bikes created to push the boundaries, to test the limits of our know-how. You know a Pinarello the second you see one because it looks quick even when it’s standing still. For us, fast is everything.
Bianchi - Performance Bicycles since 1885
Bianchi has played a core role in cycling and led the greatest riders to victory.

The Bike Line carries bikes from Trek, Electra, Pinarello, Bianchi, Stromer, BMC, and Seven Cycles.

Make sure you've got everything you need on your bike at all times including lights, locks and more.

Enjoy your next ride even more with high quality, comfortable and stylish cycling apparel.

Kids' Bikes
The Bike Line has a great selection of kids bikes for all ages. Invest in a quality bike for them.

Gift Cards
Finding the perfect gift can be tough. Which is exactly why we offer gift cards. They make great presents for relatives and friends, and are a fantastic way to thank someone special. They're always the right size and color, too. We can even mail the card to you or the intended recipient.

Service Department
Whether you need your derailleurs adjusted, a broken spoke replaced or a complete overhaul that makes your bicycle run and look even better than new, we're bike repair experts with the experience, knowledge and factory training to do the job right the first time, every time.

Buy On-line Pickup In-store
Shop our website from the convenience of your living room, then pick up your order from either one of our locations. In addition to our large inventory, there are thousands of products that can be shipped to our stores. Find what you're looking for, then pick it up later for free!